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Make your case presentation
in radiology interactive
Transform all your slides and cases into interactive presentations in minutes, boost audience engagement and enabling seamless remote collaboration
- all in one intuitive platform. explained in 1 min.
Start in Minutes!
1. Upload your slides and cases.
2. Add Questions and Annotation Tasks.
3. Share instantly with QR Code and Presentation Link
PowerPoint meets DICOM
No switch between PowerPoint and DICOM Viewer.
Present slides and cases in the same viewer.
Works on every device (smartphones, tablets, laptops).
Real-time collaboration
Connect up to 1000 user in your case presentation.
Let them review your cases in real DICOM viewer.
Audience only scans QR Code - No Account or Installation required
Do interactive polls and let your audience annotate findings.
Barcharts and heatmaps visualise your audience response
- in real time.
Learning Analytics (coming soon)
Elevate your teaching with data driven insights. Participation rate, time to solve a case, annotation accuracy, MCQ responses and case discussion help you to better understand the needs of your audience.
Used by renowned educators
Rapmed enables the best educators worldwide to deliver interactive and engaging lectures.

Christopher Hess
Chair at UCSF

Elmar Merkle
Chair at University Hospital Basel

Rahel Kubik
Chair at Cantonal Hospital Baden

Justus Roos
Chair at Cantonal Hospital Lucerne

Pek-Lan Khong
President at International Cancer Imaging Society

Dow-Mu Koh
Professor at Royal Marsden Hospital

Alexander Sauter
Professor at University of Tübingen

Anton Becker
Professor at NYU Langone

Marco Zanetti
Former President of the European Society of Skeletal Imaging

Michael Muelly
Professor at
Stanford University

Elke Gizewski
Chair at University Hospital Innsbruck

Clemens Cyran
President at European Society for Hybrid Imaging
Rapmed helps universities to equip their medical students with the practical skills they need to become the future leaders in radiology.
Rapmed empowers conferences to deliver impactful presentations that inspire attendees to innovate and lead within their field.
Rapmed helps companies to demonstrate their products with hands-on expereience
Developed with ❤️ in Berlin, Freiburg, Basel, Zurich & Lugano
ImpressumRapid Medicine LLC
Seerosenstrasse 3
8008 Zurich